Weiß Schwarz: Goddess of Victory - Nikke Booster Display
Availability estimate: 2025-04-18.
Make sure to read our preorder policies before placing an order.
GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE descends onto the stage of Weiss Schwarz!
Your favourite Nikkes, with their vibrant personalities, are now available as cards! The illustrations are also from the beautiful in-game art!
You can combine the cards from the Booster Pack with the Trial Deck which releases at the same time!
Includes SP cards of your beloved Nikkes!
There are also specially drawn illustrations from the artists!
The cards in this Booster Pack may be used together with cards with card numbers beginning with [NIK/]!
- 12x booster packs
- 1 of 16 Going First/Going Second cards in every display box!
Product Specifications
- Total 115 types of cards + 173 types (Parallel)
- 8 cards per pack
- 12 packs per display
- 24 displays per carton (1 English Edition exclusive Stitched Playmat included in every carton!)
2025-03-29 01:33