Weiß Schwarz: Hololive production Volume 2 Booster Display
🌸 Product Information 🌸
The talents of hololive production awaits you on the stage of WeißSchwarz!
※Please note that this product will be having pre-sales at Anime Expo 2023.
☆ Hotstamped Sign cards☆
Every pack you purchase has a chance to contain a Sign card from the talents of hololive!
The cards in this Booster Pack may be used together with cards with card number beginning with "[HOL/]"!
Compatible with the following neo-standard products:
♦ WSE Premium Booster hololive production (HOL/WE36)
♦ WSE Booster pack hololive production (HOL/W91)
♦ WSE Trial Deck+ hololive production 0th Generation (HOL/W91)
♦ WSE Trial Deck+ hololive production 1st Generation (HOL/W91)
♦ WSE Trial Deck+ hololive production 2nd Generation (HOL/W91)
♦ WSE Trial Deck+ hololive production Gamers (HOL/W91)
♦ WSE Trial Deck+ hololive production 3rd Generation (HOL/W91)
♦ WSE Trial Deck+ hololive production 4th Generation (HOL/W91)
♦ WSE Trial Deck+ hololive production 5th Generation (HOL/W91)
Special Items!!*
• 1 of 15 exclusive PR cards in every display box!
Product Specifications
Total 147 types of cards + 247 types (Parallel)
9 cards per pack, 16 packs per display
18 displays per carton
※ Weiß Schwarz (English Edition) does not include gold/silver campaign coupon.
2025-03-25 23:15